Get ready to ignite your creativity!
Ultimate Expression 2023
An International Art Contest
Basic Information:
- For 6 to 19 Years
- Participate from any country
- Apply online
- Any subject or theme
- Any color medium
- Any size
Details of the International Art Contest:
Name of Contest: Ultimate Expression 2023
Entry Starts on 10 November 2023
Entry Ends on 9 December 25 December 2023
Eligibility: 6 to 19 years age
Subject or Theme: Painting on any subject or theme is accepted.
Layout of painting: The drawing/ painting may be vertical or horizontal.
Size of the painting: Any size is accepted.
Number of Paintings: Only one entry is allowed per artist. Multiple entries are not allowed.
Use of medium or color: You can use following media:-
Water Color, Poster Color, Acrylics Color, Oil Color, Graphite, Charcoal or pencil shading, Pastel
Colored Pencils, Pen and Ink, Mixed Media, Ball Point Pen, etc
What not to do: Don't submit digital art or craft works.
Don't write quotes or slogans on the painting. Paintings related to violence, drugs or adult themes are not allowed. If by mistake you submit objectionable painting then, our team will inform you to correct it.
Signature of the artist:
There should be Artist's Name on any one corner of the painting.
Your participation in the contest means you agree with the Terms of Use & Privacy Policy of this website.
Evaluation of Artworks: The process
ICE-PAPA is a framework for evaluating paintings that focuses on seven main criteria:
Innovation, Creativity, Engaging, Perfection, Age of Artist, Presentation, Artistic Ability.
Jury Members of Ultimate Expression 2023

Dr. Lamiaa M. Lotfy
PhD (Fine Art)
from Alexandria University
Eminent Artist in Egypt

Hilal Çınar Arapoğlu
Master in Design
from Dokuz Eylül University
Eminent Artist in Turkey
Prizes for winners of Ultimate Expression 2023
Star Artist Award
Score 90 to 100
1. Star Award Certificate
2. Publication of painting on our website
3. Publication of winners' photograph holding Certificate
Diamond Artist Award
Score 80 to 89
1. Diamond Award Certificate
2. Publication of painting on our website
3. Publication of winners' photograph holding Certificate
Gold Artist Award
Score 70 to 79
1. Gold Award Certificate
2. Publication of painting on our website
3. Publication of winners' photograph holding Certificate
Participation Certificate will NOT be issued
Anybody from any country whose age is from 6 to 19 years, can participate in this art contest.
You can submit your entry online. Before submission of entry, do your signature on any one corner of the painting and then take the photograph of your painting with mobile or camera. Now, you are ready to submit your entry. On this page, please find the button “Enter the Art Contest” and click it. You will be redirected to next page where you need to fill all details like Name, age, date of birth etc.
No, there is no entry fees. Later on, if you are selected for Star Artist, no need to pay anything but, if you are selected for Diamond Artist or Gold Artist then you need to pay $ 19.99 (Discount will be offered for limited time) for the Award Certificate and Publication of painting.
Yes, after the submission of entry confirmation email is sent within 3 minutes. So, check the email after 3 minutes. In the confirmationn email all the details which you have filled including your painting will be available.
In the confirmation email there will be a link from where you can edit your response (Name, age, date of birth, state, country and even you can change your painting too). But the link will be active only for 48 hours from the time you have submitted. So, within 48 hours, you can EDIT your entry. But, after 48 hours you cannot edit yourself. You need to send email to
– Star Artist Award, Diamond Artist Award and Gold Artist Award
– Publication of painting on our website
– Publication of winners’ photograph holding Certificate
Those who will win as STAR ARTIST, DIAMOND ARTIST or GOLD ARTIST, their paintings with short details will be published on our website.
No, Participation Certificate will NOT be issued.
Attention!! Teachers of Schools/ Art Schools
Process to submit entries by Schools/ Art Schools
You need to send all the paintings in a single email to along with an MS EXCEL Sheet containing all artists' name and age. You need not to fill the online form. Also, please mention your school's name, address and teacher's name.. Please give your brief introduction too. Subject of the email should be Entry for ULTIMATE EXPRESSION 2023.
NOTE: Try to resize the images of paintings to around 500 kb (by help of MS PAINT or any other software) so that you can attach up to 50 images in one single email. However, you can send multiple emails if number of participants are more. You need to indicate Part1, Part2, etc in the subject area.